× 魔界への扉 ✞ Goetia 異端礼拝堂 ✞ Black Mass 運命の舞曲 ✞ Danse Macabre 大理石の廊下 ✞ Gallery 闘技場 ✞ Marionettes 魔女の書斎 ✞ Bibliotheca 模倣夢映写機 ✞ Zoetrope 錬金研究棟 ✞ Alchemy 魂の牢獄 ✞ Chamber of Guf 死翼の間 ✞ Mis-Conceptions 地下墓地 ✞ Catacombs 真紅の回廊 ✞ Reincarnation
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At one minute starting from

you're together with me. Because of you, I'll remember that one minute. From now on, we're friends for one minute. This is a fact, you can't deny. It's done.


美しいものは 美しいまま


If memories could be canned, would they also have expiry dates? If so, I hope they last for centuries.

Visitors Book